
Monday, 12 September 2016

You are needed!

You maybe a child in this big world & think of yourself as 'too small' or 'too powerless' but you are needed!

You maybe a member of third gender & the world may get irritated by your mere presence, but you are needed! as you have been blessed by Lord Ram with power to bless others.

You maybe a struggling actor , spending hours at prithvi café waiting for your next assignment, laughing and interacting with strangers, you are needed! as in life all of us are strugglers, we struggle with different issues each day but may not handle it the way you do , you are an artist as the way you handle yourself itself is an art, that art we should learn from you.

You maybe a teacher or someone who runs an NGO, but you are needed! as you enable less fortunate human beings lead meaningful lives.

You maybe a tailor, but you are needed! As all of us are not as good as you are, with needle & thread.

You maybe a business man or a business woman, you may try & make it or end up breaking it, but you are needed! as we find courage in your endeavors.

You maybe someone, they may call you by some name, you maybe doing something in life that I do not understand, but you are needed! cos you & I are the same, we look different, dress differently, but we all experience the same things in life, sooner or later!

(Based on few books that I have read & general observations)